Still Waiting

29th November – Board 1: Love All. Dealer North.
North might have been looking forward to getting into the act later and surprising everyone but if so he is still waiting. Mind you some strange people play that an opening bid of 2NT shows the minors….

I guess this hand is all about judgement, the hardest attribute to attain at the bridge table, and the only sure thing is that South will overcall whatever bid East chooses to open, with 4. West will stand on his chair and double and that will cost 800 if East reckons to pass as well. But with an undisclosed suit after an ambiguous 2 opening East will doubtless reveal all and I dare say West should bid the slam, surprised at the turn of events while at the same time being frustrated that the anticipated blood bath will have to wait. 6 is a doddle of course, and 980 is better than 800.

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