Major Battle

25th August – Board 13. Game All. Dealer North.
Bidding whenever there is half an opportunity is the order of the day as the following hand demonstrates.

S K Q 10 4 2
H 5
D K 10 8 5 2
C 8 2

S A 9 7
H K Q J 6 4
D J 9
C K 10 7

S 3
H A 9 8 7 2
D Q 6 3
C Q J 6 3

S J 8 6 5
H 10 3
D A 7 4
C A 9 5 4



After passing originally North has an ideal Michaels cue bid of 2H showing 5-5 at least in spades and a minor which makes it even easier for South to sacrifice in 4S knowing of the fit in one of his minors. In an ideal world 4S should be doubled but it’s hard to see a case to be made for either East or West doing that but in any event they would do well not to bid 5H which is one off in top tricks. Actually the defence has to be precise to beat 5H. Assuming a spade lead declarer will win, draw trumps and knock out the ace of clubs. South has to lead diamonds now or declarer can pitch a loser in that suit on the long club. I suppose it’s obvious really. As usual when there is a battle between the major suits the hands holding the spade suit nearly always come out on top.

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