Who Knows?

4th July – Board 22: East/West Vul. Dealer East.
How would you – or did you – evaluate that West hand after partner opens 2NT? My first instinct when watching was to bid 3NT and hope that the clubs come in and for that reason I would discount a pass for it seems so unlikely that eight tricks exactly will be made. 5C is a possibility I suppose and while I might consider that with a 1-2-3-7 distribution the actual hand outside the club holding is just a bit too flat and I have an intense dislike of 7-2-2-2 hands.

S 8 7 6 3 2
H Q 8 2
D K 10 9 2

S 10 4
H 10 4
D J 7
C J 8 7 6 4 3 2

S A K J 9
H A K J 7
D A Q 5
C 10 5

S Q 5
H 9 6 5 3
D 8 6 4 3
C K Q 9


As it happens 3NT is the winner but for none of the reasons mentioned! The jack of diamonds and the ten of hearts mean that there are five red suit winners and the ten of spades means that there are four spade winners when the queen of that suit obligingly falls in two rounds and there are no entries to dummy to persuade you to take a finesse.
The clubs never come into it at all!

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