27th June – Board 19: East/West Vul. Dealer
Sometimes the ‘best’ bid
can turn out badly leaving the perpetrator nursing a strong sense of injustice.
That certainly happened on the hand shown below.
S A J 9 7 5
H J 9 4
D 10 9 8 6 4
C none
S 10 6 4 2
H K 7 5 3
D K 2
C A Q 5
S K Q 3
H A 10 6 2
D A 5 3
C J 7 4
S 8
H Q 8
D Q J 7
C K 10 9 8
6 3 2
pre-empt is more or less sound for once as is East’s take-out double even
though the shape of the hand is not altogether text-book. With an opening hand
himself and a major fit somewhere West should find out the best strain by
bidding 4C and East will close proceedings with a bid of 4H. Played from the
East hand South will surely lead his singleton spade, won by North who returns
a low spade indicating that he wants a switch to the lower rank suit – clubs.
In this way the defence merrily take the first five tricks for a two trick
defeat and indeed it would have been even worse if South had started with a
club lead and North switched to spades. At some tables however West merely bid
3H over his partner’s double, an outrageous underbid surely, although this was
raised to 4H an equally outrageous overbid. However played from the West side
the likely lead of the D10 gives declarer an easy path to ten tricks. As an
aside West might pass the double for penalties or even try 3NT, going to show
how awkward pre-empts can be.
Hi Dave
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago i think you mentioned that a 3 suit pre empt should have reasonable values maybe a couple of hons.
As south I passed on this hand
Can you clarify
Well ideally it should but you have to be a little flexible I guess. The suit quality isn't too bad but the prevailing vulnerability is perfect and the acute shortage in the majors just about tips the balance i think. But if you passed as dealer I think that's acceptable too although if you did I guess the oppo would play in 4H the right way round after a weak no-trump and Stayman enquiry or perhaps East would just raise to 3NT on such a flat hand. I'm afraid there are no absolute truths....