With A Little Help

29th March – Board 7: Game All. Dealer South.
It can be very annoying to help the opposition bid a game when they were about to play in a part score, but the sad truth is that it happens from time to time with nobody to really blame.


Unless you are playing a strong club system I can see no sound alternative to opening 1H on that West hand and East can hardly be blamed for passing. However it would be feeble in the extreme for South to pass and while a bid of 2D might seem appropriate I think that that is incorrect. What is wrong with a take-out double? I agree that partner might bid clubs but if he does you bid diamonds, obviously showing spades as well. West can show his strength by redoubling and North will compete in diamonds and if East has any backbone he will surely bid 2H, making it easy for his partner to bid the cold game. At favourable vulnerability N/S have a save in 5D for a modest gain but as it is discretion should prevail.


  1. Sorry David, but South is too weak for a take out double. 2D is more appropriate. Nevertheless, in my table Kevin opened 2C (Benji) and from there it was easy to reach 4H, with no help from the opponents!
    Nick M

  2. South has passed as dealer so can hardly be thought of as too weak. But anyway a take-out double in the protective position can be made on as few as 8 or 9 points, effectively borrowing a king from partner. That is why it is called the 'protective position' because you are protecting partner who might have had to pass on a good hand but with no clear cut bid. And it is always right to introduce the majors whenever you can. 2D is understandable but not quite right. I don't think the West hand really has eight playing tricks in hearts which would be necessary for an opening two bid, or the equivalent 2C playing Benji. With four tricks outside it is perhaps a little optimistic to hope for four heart tricks as well, but I would agree that it is close.


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