Sense Of Grievance

7th October – Board 25: E/W Vul. Dealer North.
S 5
H A 10 8 7 6 2
D none
C A K 10 6 4 3
S 10 8 7 6 4 2
H 4
D A 8 4 2
C 5 2
S A K Q 9 3
H none
D K Q J 10 6
C Q J 9
H K Q J 9 5 3
D 9 7 5 3
C 8 7
Those people holding the East hand were, by and large, disappointed with the result from the hand shown above. 6H is of course ‘cold’ for N/S and those who were allowed to play there could be forgiven for feeling a sense of grievance at scoring below average. Why was that? Well somebody had made 6HX for 1210, just beating the rather quaint score of 1200 for 5HXX+1. A lot depended I imagine on whether N/S were ‘pushed’ to a slam or whether they went there freely. If the latter then that East hand begins to lose some of its appeal. Where I was watching the bidding went as follows: -
4NT was RKCB and declarer must have been relieved that the one key-card was not the ace of diamonds! It is hard for E/W to know they should be sacrificing, although on an unlikely ace of hearts lead the sacrifice would be very profitable indeed. As an aside East should double 4NT, not because they are going to play there but because most pairs – even regular pairs – do not know how that affects the responses to the Blackwood enquiry.


  1. Er ... re Sense of Grievance (7 Oct), can you explain that rather cryptic comment about not knowing what to do after a double of a RKCB 4NT bid, please? And not a million miles from there, do you play/recommend D0P1, or what, against an intervening bid after said 4NT?
    Chris A.

  2. A lot of people do not respond to Blackwood in the same way if the 4NT bid has been doubled. A popular convention is ROPI which means that redouble would show 0 or 3 key-cards, pass would show 1 or 4, with step responses showing the rest. (Two without, two with.) If ordinary Blackwood is being used then redouble shows no aces, pass 1, with step responses showing a greater number. In much the same way if the opposition interfere after 4NT by bidding a suit then DOPI can apply. Here double shows the first step, pass the second etc. As this hardly ever comes up a lot of mean-spirited 'experts' might interfere after 4NT in one way or the other just to cause confusion.


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