30th September – Board 8: Love All. Dealer West.
S Q 4
H K 10 6 3 2
D 8
C A 10 7 3 2
S A K 9 8
H A Q 8
D K Q 10 6 5
S 10 6 3
H 7 4
D A 7 4 3 2
C K 9 5
S J 7 5 2
H J 9 5
D J 9
C Q 8 6 4
3NT by East I suppose is the right contract, making easily on a club lead and indeed on any lead if a little care is taken. I was guilty of sloppy bidding and sloppy play too, but somehow managed to escape with a good result.
I should have followed a scientific route by bidding 2S at my second turn, following up with 3H, after which partner would probably have tried 3NT, but I cut matters short somewhat by a leap to game in the suit we both seemed to like. North made a devastating lead of a low club, and playing somewhat on autopilot I played low from dummy, thinking that a lead away from an ace against a high level contract was unlikely. South won and rather woodenly returned the suit, but now I could ruff, draw trumps and use the fine impletion in spades to secure a discard for one of dummy’s hearts. Of course if South had returned a heart I would have been forced to take the finesse and finish one down. I should have reasoned that even if North had led a club away from the queen and South had produced the ace at trick one a discard on the king of clubs would be of no use at all. Strangely if you had reached a slam North could have led a heart without doing you any good, because there would still be a loser in both black suits.
I was caught out by not spotting my partner's (Chris A) sneaky Inverted Minor Raise (3D over my 1D to show a weak hand) so I confidently blustered to an easily failing 6D. Confidence Schmonfidence. Despite this and other attempts to make him stay second in the summer pudding race (I see Tony L stayed away.......) Chris ignored me and went on to win anyway! Well done matey!
ReplyDeleteYes, fortunately that was against my team mates! Can't say I'm a great fan of inverted minor raises but lots of people are. And of course you do have to remember you are playing them.....