Transfer Break

20th May - Board: 18 N/S Vul. Dealer East
S 9 6
H Q J 10 8
D Q 9 7 2
C K Q 5
S K J 10 3 2
H 2
D A J 5
C J 8 7 6
S A Q 7 5
H A 6 4
D K 8 3
C 10 4 3
S 8 4
H K 9 7 5 3
D 10 6 4
C A 9 2
When partner transfers after an opening of 1NT by you it is normal to do as you are told and just complete the transfer. However there are situations when it might be right to show that you have a maximum within your no-trump range with good four card support in the transfer suit, and you can do this either by jumping to the three level in the known suit or by bidding a worthless doubleton at the three level if you happen to possess one. (This makes it easier for the responder to know whether the hands are fitting well or not.) The hand above was on the borderline for breaking the transfer but it worked out well in practice, even though perhaps it shouldn’t.
1NT No
2H No 3S No
4S All Pass
Can you see that if East had a club less and a red card more, then a bid of 3C – showing a worthless doubleton – would have led to an excellent game. As it was against 4S South led a low diamond and declarer rightly played low from dummy. After all there was no rush to take the finesse, but North fell from grace by playing the queen and not the nine, and ten tricks were now easy. If the nine is played then South can play another diamond when in with the ace of clubs and the game would fail. And if South had failed to lead a diamond initially then declarer always has time to set up the thirteenth club for a diamond discard.


  1. Robin - do you remember "our bet"?

    Well it's taken week 2 for the style of language that I was expecting to come thru - but here it is! Give me a bridge article and I'd recognise the Huggett tone anywhere. It brings back such happy memories of a Monday evening....

    The phrase " can you see" was only beaten by the phrase "my cat has got more intelligence....."

    By the way - can I be your Agent for the excellent book material which is arising from the Thursday evening session? SC

  2. Well it seems I will have to change my rather patronising tone! And poor Tiddles, TC my cat, was never really as good a player as I made out. She could master the bidding ok but advanced dummy play always eluded her.
    A book! What a good idea. In a year's time we will have 104 hands to unleash upon the unsuspecting public. We will publish and be damned.

  3. It's not taken as patronising - it has an endearing and recognisible style to it. Don't change!

    We should run a competition for the title of the book!

    - Nightmares at Cranbury Terrace
    - "Duffers" and "Smarties" play
    - Play from my star pupils

    Other suggestions most welcome.



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